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Inside Out Online Film Night

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Join us for an evening of online films, responding to this year’s Camberwell Arts Festival theme.  Streamed to the Camberwell Arts Facebook Page and viewable from the window below. Refresh this page from 7pm on Friday 25th June to watch - scroll down to find each live stream.




7PM - Electra Reflects and When We Were Young - SJ Brady

7.30PM - United Alone - Harriet Macdonald

7.50PM - Outside In - Marble

Electra Reflects and When We Were Young - SJ Brady

Originally created for a digital installation THE GENTLEST WORK; BY JOVE THEATRE COMPANY. Birthed from the academic research of Nancy Rabinowitz, the installation culminated in a creative response to a queer look at the Oresteia, and surrounding greek myths, echoing their cycles of violence and celebrating queer joy. In our attempt to tell their story, By Jove Theatre created pathways to explore various endings & elements using text, film, mixed media & image. These two films display two different expressions of love. I hope to bring the viewer back to the very basic of the body’s life; the heart. They are two human expressions of what is felt on the inside, but displayed for the outside through film.

They are both strong, but should be treated gently.


A poem written for the character Electra, sibling to Orestes and Iphigenia. Electra awaits for the return of her brother Orestes, who has grown up away from the family, hoping to avenge their fathers murder by their mother on his return. Treated with disdain, obsessively pinning and lonely, Electra voices her own queerness, her place within the fabric of her family, her gender & expectations.

‘Let’s not stay to hear her cry, her complaints’ - Sophocles, Electra.

  • Written, edited & performed by SJ Brady

  • Featuring Marcus Bell, Susanna Dye & Lilian Tsang

  • Creative footage contribution, Manon Ouimet

    *combined with footage created for THE GENTLEST WORK, 2021.


A short film with music; of memory, childhood, queerness & joy. The bodies in this film can represent anyone, or any character, you wish. Memory comes before tragedy, and in a need to find female closeness & queer joy, I wanted to create some for the myth. I needed to establish the bond between the siblings within the tragedy, especially the women. The vocals stem from a poem I wrote; HEARTBEAT, in development for the show in 2019. Where there can be so much focus on action, inside & outside of stories, and reality, I wanted to celebrate closeness, and gently remind the viewer of their own memories and to reflect & celebrate the quiet times that keep us all connected.

  • Creator & editor; SJ Brady

  • Music; Gemma Storr & Laura Reid

  • Sound Engineering; Alex Burnett

  • Featuring Vivian Xie, Wendy Haines, Sinead Costelloe & various Brady family photos.

United Alone - Harriet Macdonald

Documentary self shot by 90 participants around the world (including: Australia, Indonesia, India, Italy, Bolivia, Argentina, Spain, England, Portugal, Greece, USA, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Angola, Serbia) predominantly shot with mobile phones, forming a kind of visual and spoken poem- capturing a snapshot of those days.

  • Directed and Edited by: Harriet Macdonald

  • Composed by: Gabriel Lema

  • Sound design: Angel Sound Studio

  • Grade: Jax Harney

  • Logo design: Yuste de Lucas

  • Spanish translation: Claudia Zegarra P

  • Subtitles: Happy Scribe

Outside In - Marble

Daily routines and everyday mundane shots, spliced with fragments of the pre-pandemic world, in the form of stock footage. Originally a lament of things that we miss doing and seeing, commissioned by Camberwell Arts to further explore the format but with shots of a reemerging Camberwell. Including a Q&A with the directors.

  • Q&A footage shot by Rebecca Douglas + Giorgina Pini

8.10PM - Grief for a Time That Once Was - Piedad Seiquer

A videographic journey of the seven stages of mourning for a time that was once. This collection of 7 short films show videos, images, sounds, texts collected by artists to document and reflect on the feelings caused by isolation, and positions in relation to each stage or concept explored by each artist. Including a Q&A with the director.

9.20PM - Skate of Mind podcast hosted by Craig Jiggy

A special movie edition of this unapologetic podcast exploring the links between creative people, people on wheels and mental health.

June 25

Drapery Life Drawing with Francesca Cluney

June 26

Culture Queens Collective