G is for St. Giles
The A-Z of Camberwell Online Exhibition
Luke Moran-Morris
Passing through St Giles Churchyard, I’m drawn to this unusually shaped tree. Looking at it, I see a person stuck upside down in the ground; the two boughs as flailing legs. To portray it’s sprawling wonder I shot all parts of the tree with a 35mm camera and layered the images, giving a sense of it reaching out to surround the viewer. Embracing imperfections when aligning these photos, I intentionally offset them, welcoming light leaks. This tree is not perfect, that’s what makes it so engaging.
Greg Becker
This monotype print was inspired by a walk through St Giles Churchyard last November.
Robbie Ewing
Lockdown photo project as part of the A To Z theme. Took a risk and assumed St Giles would part of the final selection. This is the cherry tree in full spring blossom.
Bob Stone
Painting the fabulous plane tree by St Giles as part of a lock-down project in Camberwell